Hiring for Retention and Hiring for Long Term

Dr Specks here with today’s tidbit:   Using Job Description to Refine Hiring

Entrepreneurs can put off seeking needed employees for their businesses for several reasons. One of the most common reasons emanate from not being certain what or who they are seeking.  They may realize there is a need for certain talents or skills; however, they may not be certain: (1) what kind of person would have those skills  or knowledge, (2) where would they find the person with those skills, (3) what would they have to pay for the talents, (4) how would the current team members handle an additional employee to the team especially if the new team member would interrupt the reporting relationship or team composition, (5) how would the entrepreneur know how to interview the potential candidate to elicit the information needed during the interview to make a determination if the candidate is the right fit for this position in their company. Many entrepreneurs are sensitive about risk or hesitant to upset the existing environment with their current team.

Since hiring for key positions is not an everyday occurrence, the above list of reasons causes many entrepreneurs to be hesitant about going forward and hiring new key personnel. This can of course cause the company to be stalled in their growth or even worse, it can cause the company to slide backwards and not meet the demands of the marketplace for their goods and service. This can someone on staff that helps with screening be costly for the business and can eventually cause current personnel to work even harder but find they are losing ground in the marketplace.

There must be a key or way to address this issue more safely for a company. In many instances they may not be large enough to have their own full-time personnel department; however, they may have a team member that helps by screening applicants but does not interview or hire. This process then falls to the entrepreneur to pursue the activity on their own being very mindful that errors can be very costly. To assist entrepreneurs to minimize some of the risks involved, a tool was created to describe the needs of a right fit for your company, I have made available it available to entrepreneurs.  It is called an Easy Path to Job Descriptions using the BESK Approach. It is available here to help you for free. Feel free to visit the page and use this tool to assist you in developing your ideal description of  what and whom you are seeking for your company. If you choose to take advantage of this offer, ask yourself questions to describe explicitly additional characteristics or skills, or talents that could be included that may not be required, but would be beneficial. Try to be as inclusive with the information as possible.  You may find other aids on the site to help you in your search.